Where Your At............

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Almost Here!!

December is right around the corner and everyone is already in the Christmas mood around here. Lights are being hung, Christmas trees are getting up us and presents are being bought from right to left! More and more secrets are being made as we don't want one another to know what is going to be happening in the next few weeks with Christmas presents and special surprises to be told.

This year, Quinn and I haven't really thought much about Christmas other than it is soon approaching us before we know it. The count down it on with only a few weeks till December and even then we are almost here! Christmas Time! With having a two year old, it is a little different from last two years but better than what we will be expirienting next year with the "I want" "I need" "Buy it for me" type of attitude. Which we are praying that it won't be as bad as we have seen some kids in the stores lately. ...knock on wood that is. =)

But this year we have decided that we were going to keep the gift giving to each other as for Mckayla to a bear minimum. There isn't much that we really "need" or the "gotta have it" type of gifts. Which brings be back to the isn't much...there has been a few things that Quinn and I are going to be getting which we will just make them our Christmas gifts this year. =) and since our family is going to be getting bigger soon, we thought we would just do so.

The main thing that we wanted to get before the baby comes it a couch.

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