Where Your At............

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Isn't God just amazing! As I sit I can't help but think of all the amazing things that God has done in my life and in the live of our family. He has bless Quinn and I with truly amazing things in our life's and with the greatest people to share them with.

Mckayla and Connor are doing very well here in PA. We are really starting to make this our new home. She has really enjoyed going to see and play with her friends at church and absolutely loving the yard that we have to play in. Mckayla is really into "pretending" which normally she is playing kitchen / house with her babies and stuff animals. She spends lots of time playing in her room and in the yard. Amazing! And of course, Connor loves watching every move that Mckayla makes. He is really starting to be very vocal and lets us know when he needs attention by a little scream here and there. Or just laughing at us when we are being silly.

The house is starting to come together as well. Nevin and Christina and the girls were here this pasted weekend and they brought up our curtains. Which of course I have been very stoked about. All but one window are up now (we just need to get more hardware for the windows) But that will come in time. Then hopefully we will be able to work in our bedroom in the next few months to get window treatment, ect. But no rush, it gives me something to look forward to and work for. There are other "little" projects that I am working on as well.

Like I said before Nevin, Christina and the girls were here this past weekend (Sunday-Monday). It was so nice to see them again and have them see where we now call home. Mckayla was so excited to see the girls as well. And Connor and Grace even got to get their playtime too. But the time Christmas comes Connor will be sitting up, so it will be more interesting to see them play.

When are looking forward to beginning of Oct. to see everyone else in Chesapeake. We will be going down to get our van and for my niece's birthday too. Quinn will be coming back so he can be at church and the kids and I will be staying for a few more days to spend with everyone. So pray that my trip back with the kids goes smoothly. =D ...I'm sure it will, but knowing that it will be my first long trip with the kids alone will be a little different. lol....

Anyways, that's about it; until then...

Blessings.....The Aeschlimans
Mckayla in the dress that I came in when I was adopted....back when I was 3 years and 9 months

Connor - 5 months and Mckayla - 3 years

Mckayla and one of her friends at church on Wed. night at "Slime Time"

Let's ride bikes!

...of course, my curtains! ...they were my parents that went in their living room, with a little change they look brand new!

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