I thought that while I was waiting on some wash to get done that I would update and get some much needed blogging done. Wow, where do I begin?
Last month went by like a whirlwind it seems. I don't even know where to begin and end...it went by that fast. But many memories and great times with family that is for sure.
In September, My sister in law and their two girls came to visit. We kept the girls for a few days while she went outside of DC to be there for her best friend that was having a little girl. Mckayla and Connor had a great time with them. It was so nice to have them here with us for a little bit. And spend time with my sister in law as well. Quinn and I were able to get in a date night which was wonderful while she was here! That a lone so nice and very much needed!
I have done lots of different recipes that I am wanting to post on here for everyone. So be sure to look for them soon. With the new camera that we have, the pictures are super perfect. It's my new baby! ;)
Well, enough of the little some talk. Enjoy the next few post!
My Amazing Family, Sunday Lunch in Hagerstown, MD
Our Beautiful Children
Mckayla made this "Family Heart" (Blue: Daddy, Purple: Mommy, Pink: Me (Mckayla), Green: Connor & Yellow/Gold: Jesus) That's pretty good for a four year old!
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