Wow! Has it really been since April that I last updated everything on here. Well I thought that I would do it right and update the whole website as well. I hope you find it all enjoyable if not interesting. And I promise, we will try our very best to keep everyone in the loop of things on here. With pictures, updates, crafty ideas to some good looking food recipes. I will try to have it all on here for you. Keep on the look out for updates - there will be!
We have added new "pages" on here. One for each of the kids, our love story and of course Tupperware! Don't forget to check it all out.
Well, to make this as short as possible. We have moved back "home". You know what they say about Virginia? Virginia is For Lovers! We moved back here little than a month ago give or take. Little Miss is in Kindergarten and loving it! I think she is liking riding the bus most of all. :) She is also in dance again this year. We really love the place that she is going to and excited to see what this year has to bring for her and dance. Connor is as cute as possible. Enjoying his one on one time with Mommy. But, when it's time to watch for the bus can not wait till he sees Sister get off the bus to have someone play with. He loves his sister!
We are starting to "settle" in our new home. We are still in the mist of redoing the apartment. The flooring will be laid down tomorrow and then hopefully by next Monday the carpet will be installed. Praying at least, if not sooner. But we have lived this long, whats another few days right?! LOL...
We miss our friends so much in PA everyone. I miss our Mommy coffee times, our play dates, etc. It is still very hard. We can not say enough how much our friends mean to us. Their family that's for a lifetime. :)
Here is a song that Quinn and I have been listening to the past few months. What a powerful song this is. Lead me. Isn't it amazing that God is there with you every step of the way. That He leads us with strong hands. To stand up, when we think we can't. ((video is at the bottom of this blog))
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